Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 15264 Ηλικία : 301 Location : Over the Hills and Far Away Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 24/10/2010
Magical Identity Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Blood Status: Half-Blood Today's thought: I won't ever be the best at anything. Or rather, you might say that I've stop trying to be.
You're an extremely caring person who would be there (no matter what) if one of your friends needed you. With such a sweet personality its no wonder your true eye color is pink!
Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 33695 Ηλικία : 36 Location : Cairhien Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 08/04/2008
Magical Identity Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Blood Status: Pureblood Today's thought: I'd name you Darkfriend as well, but I suspect that the Dark One would perhaps be embarrassed to associate with you.
Your eyes are Brown! You're a laid-back, smartie whose always got something on the go. With such a busy personality its no surprise your true eye color is Brown!
Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 18162 Ηλικία : 30 Location : Εκεί που όλα ειν' ωραία... Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 06/04/2008
Magical Identity Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Blood Status: Half-Blood Today's thought: I thought that I heard you laughing, I thought that I heard you sing...
Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 10829 Ηλικία : 679 Location : Mystic Falls Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 29/07/2010
Magical Identity Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Blood Status: Pureblood Today's thought: Itʼs not just that she makes him a better person. Damon challenges her, surprises her. He makes her question her life, her beliefs. Damon is either the best thing for her or the worst.
Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 8875 Ηλικία : 29 Location : Potter Manor Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 06/08/2010
Magical Identity Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Blood Status: Muggle born Today's thought: Jo, thank you for making glasses, spectacles, and red hair really cool.
You're an extremely caring person who would be there (no matter what) if one of your friends needed you. With such a sweet personality its no wonder your true eye color is pink!
Αυτο το sweet γιατι το χουν κανει ολοι καραμελα? Μ'αρεσει!
You're an extremely caring person who would be there (no matter what) if one of your friends needed you. With such a sweet personality its no wonder your true eye color is pink!
1ο: Θέλω να δω κάποιον με ροζ μάτια, τα δικά μου στα σίγουρα δεν είναι ροζ 2ο: Έβαλα πως είμαι τεμπέλα και μου έβγαλε αποτέλεσμα πως νοιάζομαι για τους άλλους, κάτι δεν κατάλαβε καλά ο κ. τεστ
Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 36189 Ηλικία : 124 Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 22/04/2010
Magical Identity Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Blood Status: Pureblood Today's thought: Κι ενώ ο καθείς σκοτώνει ό,τι αγαπάει, όλοι ωστόσο δεν πεθαίνουν.
You're an extremely caring person who would be there (no matter what) if one of your friends needed you. With such a sweet personality its no wonder your true eye color is pink!
Με εκνευρίζει που όλοι με λένε γλυκιά ΔΕΝ ΕΙΜΙΑ ΓΛΥΚΙΑ .
Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 25823 Ηλικία : 25 Location : London's Shadowhunter Institute Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 15/06/2011
Magical Identity Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Blood Status: Pureblood Today's thought: A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.
Your eyes are Brown! You're a laid-back, smartie whose always got something on the go. With such a busy personality its no surprise your true eye color is Brown!
Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 4034 Ηλικία : 32 Location : Nargothrond Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 16/08/2010
Magical Identity Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Blood Status: Muggle born Today's thought: Misunderstanding is geniuses curse, they call us evil but nothing is worse than passive submission to meaningless rules these are oppression and misery's tools.
You're full of energy and style! Your unique and fun-loving personality is what trully makes your true eye color Violet!
Όταν μιλάτε ακούω να λέτε "Γιατί;" Όλο "Γιατί;" Βλέπετε πράγματα και λέτε "Γιατί;" Μα εγώ ονειρεύομαι πράγματα που ποτέ δεν υπήρξαν και λέω: "Γιατί όχι;"
Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 7303 Ηλικία : 27 Location : Death City ( Stein's laboratory) Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 24/11/2011
Magical Identity Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Blood Status: Pureblood Today's thought: There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the other appreciates what others can understand, the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent, the second good, and the third kind useless.
Your eyes are Brown! You're a laid-back, smartie whose always got something on the go. With such a busy personality its no surprise your true eye color is Brown!
Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 22636 Ηλικία : 30 Location : Hogwarts (Dumbledore's office) Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 09/01/2012
Magical Identity Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Blood Status: Muggle born Today's thought: Oh, I'm very good. But sometimes I'm bad. But only as bad as I wanna be. Freedom is power. To live a life untamed and unafraid is a gift.